How it was?
Believe the hype. Super Mario 64 is every bit as good as you've heard. The graphics alone make this game a must play. The graphics truly are the most beautiful thing ever produced on a home console. Every rock, wall, and enemy are totally solid with no overlapping (thanks to the N64's Z-Buffering).

This cheesy old Mario story line is enhanced by the great graphics and great sound. Some of the water and fire level soundtracks are especially catching. They compliment the game very well, as do Mario's audible hollers and yells as he jumps, punches, kicks, and hangs on to ledges.
Now that I've built this game up to epic proportions, let's turn to the downside. There is quite a bit of object and character pop-up. This is probably the most noticeable and the most disappointing aspect of the game. I didn't expect it to happen since the N64 is so powerful, but it does happen quite frequently, especially in the later levels. Along with pop-up, on-screen slow-down is another
minor problem. While not as prevalent as pop-up, it is still there on occasion, and can be distracting. Also, the sound, while sometimes catchy, does become rather monotonous after extended periods of playing.
But all of these down sides are minor when you look at what an amazing game Mario 64 is. From the moment I popped the game in, I knew I had purchased a masterpiece. Words cannot describe the feeling you get when playing in a true 3-D world. I was free to run, jump, climb any tree, and yes, make Mario dive head first (in true Olympic form) into the various lakes and pools throughout each beautiful level. I have never had more fun playing a video game! After you play this game, you'll forget about all the delays surrounding its launch. The video game world will never be the same!
SCORE: 9.9
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