How it was?

So DOOM 64 has alot to live upto, This game has such a heritage everyone will be looking at it with a critical eye. Furthermore the original DOOM engine is getting on a bit now. With the likes of Duke Nukem and Goldeneye surpassing it on N64, what possible reason would you have to purchase Doom 64?

DOOM 64 follows the original engine very closely, but employs the N64 hardware to good effect. The original engine did not allow for looking up and down, or jumping. But that in itself provided the strength of many of Doom's puzzles and this version is no exception. Yes Goldeneye and Duke Nukem have a far better engine, but DOOM has one thing that these two titles simply didn't have. Not even QUAKE could match Doom's fear factor. Yes the sprites jerk, yes the sprites look as if they have only three frames of animation. But the fact remains, the combination of subtle lighting and dark, menacing music, help make your heart jump a beat when you turn a corner and find your self looking at the face of a Cacodemon. As for the character sprites, I've already mentioned that they don't move too well by today's standards. But anyone who has played DOOM on another format, will notice they all look much better, Midway have re-modelled all of the enemy sprites, making use of the N64's extended palette. Special mention to the Cacodemon, who has changed beyond recognition, and looks far more menacing. Sprites aside, the 3D engine looks the part. Doom 64 retains the original's "artwork" feel to the surroundings, and frankly this is welcome relief from the ultra realistic graphics of Goldeneye. Midway have also employed the N64 hardware to scale close objects/walls without causing pixelation, certainly a welcome addition. Red, Green, Blue (RGB) lighting has been used to give DOOM 64 an even better look than any other previous version, and helps to add to the suspense no end.
Sound is identical to every other version. There was never 'music' in the normal sense within Doom. Just a mixture of ambient noise coupled with the screams of the dead. But if the sounds had been "updated" this simply wouldn't be Doom at all. The SFX and music do seem to have been implemented better on this version than on any other. It moulds itself around the level and adds tension at every corner.
What is the most outstanding feature of DOOM 64? The levels. You won't have played these on any other version. What's more the level design is spot on. And employs many "moving" mechanical devices, (Such as a huge four headed hammer, that acts as a doorway maker by hammering onto the floor and thus lowering the level.) This coupled with some new enemies and a new weapon (The "Alien Laser" ) make this an interesting variation.
Great so far but does Doom 64 has any flaws?
Well yes, Doom 64 is based on Doom and Doom is getting on a bit. That said though Doom 64 is still a solid class game. The only real niggle is the lack of a multiplayer option. Doom deathmatches were always a favourite of mine on PC and PSX. But for some unknown reason Midway neglected to include even a two-player head to head option.
That said though, Doom 64 is a cracking one-player game, and still holds its own against the likes of Goldeneye and Duke Nukem. It's not better than either of those titles. But, It is different.
In truth DOOM 64 doesn't showcase the n64 other than in the scaling and RGB lighting areas. And frankly I'm pleased it doesn't. DOOM is one of the all time classics in Videogaming history. To change it more than a little would be to destroy its simple gameplay, and addictive nature.
PAL owners need not fear, Doom 64 runs full speed and full screen!
Graphics 69%
Whilst the lack of animation on the sprites cause the score to go down. The 3D engine is smooth and without glitch or pop up. And no need for fogging (take note Acclaim) except when trying to create atmosphere.
Sound 75%
Perfect port of the SFX. The Music is suitably ambient and creates a perfect "on-edge" atmosphere.
Gameplay 91%
Even though Doom is ancient. And has been surpassed technically by Quake and Goldeneye. Doom still reaches parts that other games have not reached. This game gets the adrenaline flowing. The mix of dark sounds and lighting, in conjunction with the great level design make this is far different experience from Goldeneye. You'll never wet yourself in fright with the 007 title. And Quake somehow always lacked the "fear" element. This is still Doom's main staying factor. And makes you come back for more.
IQ 94%
Doom 64 is no walkover. Even veteran Doom nuts will have their hands full completing all 32 levels. Many of which are the hardest ever seen in any Doom.
Value 59%
Excellent value for money due its longevity. But the lack of a multiplayer option looses marks.
Overall 85%
It would have scored 94% with a multiplayer option. However Doom is DOOM, and as a single player version of a classic game, DOOM 64 is unbeatable. It IS the best version of single player Doom on any format. It's also a shame that Midway did not make use of the rumble pack. That alone would have made DOOM 64 an essential purchase. As it stands die hard fans of the genre need only apply.
Rated 4.9/5 based on 63 reviews
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